Why Bayesian Statistics Are Useless

Juan Esteban de la Calle
3 min readJul 21, 2024


When it comes to the world of statistics, there are two main schools of thought: frequentist and Bayesian. While the frequentist approach has been the dominant force in statistics for decades, the Bayesian approach has gained popularity in recent years. Proponents of Bayesian statistics argue that it provides a more intuitive and flexible framework for data analysis. However, in this article, I will argue that Bayesian statistics are not only overrated but also fundamentally flawed. Here are the key reasons why Bayesian statistics are useless.

1. Subjectivity in Prior Selection

One of the main criticisms of Bayesian statistics is the subjectivity involved in selecting prior distributions. In Bayesian analysis, prior distributions represent our beliefs about the parameters before seeing the data. However, there is often no clear or objective way to choose these priors, although priors can be informed by existing knowledge. This subjectivity can lead to biased results and undermine the credibility of the analysis. Different analysts may choose different priors, leading to different conclusions from the same data. This lack of objectivity is a significant drawback of Bayesian statistics.

Thomas Bayes, sad because you won't use his method anymore because of this article

2. Computational Complexity

Bayesian statistics often require complex and computationally intensive methods to derive posterior distributions. These methods, such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, although advances in computing power are alleviating this issue. In many cases, the computational burden of Bayesian analysis outweighs its benefits. Frequentist methods, on the other hand, often provide more straightforward and computationally efficient solutions. The added complexity of Bayesian methods can be a significant barrier to their practical application.

3. Overfitting and Model Selection

Bayesian statistics can be prone to overfitting, especially when using complex models with many parameters. The flexibility of Bayesian methods allows for the incorporation of detailed prior information, which can sometimes lead to overfitting if priors are not chosen carefully. Overfitting reduces the generalizability of the model to new data, making it less useful for predictive purposes. Frequentist methods, with their focus on parsimony and simplicity, are often better suited for model selection and avoiding overfitting.

4. Lack of Consensus on Bayesian Methods

Despite the growing popularity of Bayesian statistics, there is still a lack of consensus on the best practices for implementing Bayesian methods. Different Bayesian practitioners may use different approaches and techniques, leading to inconsistent results. This lack of standardization can make it difficult to compare and replicate Bayesian analyses, though it also fosters continuous development and adaptation. In contrast, frequentist methods have a long history of well-established practices and guidelines, providing a more consistent and reliable framework for data analysis.

5. Misinterpretation of Results

Bayesian statistics can be challenging to interpret, especially for those without a strong background in the field. The concept of updating prior beliefs with new data can be counterintuitive for many people. Additionally, Bayesian methods often produce probability distributions rather than single point estimates, providing richer information but which can be confusing for decision-makers. Frequentist methods, with their focus on hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, provide more straightforward and interpretable results.

6. Limited Applicability

Bayesian statistics are not always applicable to all types of data and research questions. In many cases, the assumptions and requirements of Bayesian methods may not be suitable for the data at hand, although when properly applied, they can handle complex dependencies effectively. Frequentist methods, with their broad range of techniques and tools, are often better equipped to handle diverse data and research scenarios.


While Bayesian statistics offer a flexible and intuitive framework for data analysis, they are ultimately flawed and limited in their practical application in some contexts. The subjectivity in prior selection, computational complexity, risk of overfitting, lack of consensus, and challenges in interpretation all present challenges. However, Bayesian methods can be powerful when applied correctly and in appropriate contexts. Frequentist statistics, with their objectivity, efficiency, and consistency, provide a more reliable and robust approach in many cases. It is essential to consider the strengths and limitations of both approaches to choose the most suitable method for a given analysis.

