Why Agile Doesn’t Work for Data Science — And That’s Okay

Juan Esteban de la Calle
4 min readOct 9, 2023


“So, that’s why you should not use Agile for Data Science”

A Comprehensive Examination

In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, Agile methodologies stand out as the hallmark of modern software development, particularly for their adaptability, collaboration, and commitment to swift delivery. But as our analytical ambitions deepen and expand into the more meticulous world of analytics and data science, one can’t help but question: Is the marriage between Agile and data science a harmonious one?

Are Agile Methodologies The Silver Bullet for Software Development?

The rise of Agile is more than just a trend — it signifies a paradigm shift away from traditional, step-by-step development models like the Waterfall method. Agile, with its iterative nature, promises continuous delivery, resilience in the face of change, and an environment that fosters adaptation and growth.

Delving Deeper into the Agile Advantage

  1. Dynamic Adaptation: The soul of Agile methodologies is a promise to embrace change, facilitating adjustments in project trajectories as new requirements or challenges emerge.
  2. Emphasis on Speed and Iteration: By advocating for Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), Agile facilitates rapid project deployments. This approach not only allows for timely market feedback but also ensures that products are refined in real-time, based on actual user responses.
  3. Collaboration at its Best: Agile isn’t just about processes — it’s about people. It promotes a culture of continuous communication, ensuring that all stakeholders, from developers to clients, remain actively involved and invested throughout the project lifecycle.

The Intricacies of Data Science: A Different Everything

Data science represents a field defined by depth, rigor, and systematic exploration. It’s a domain where meticulous analysis isn’t just preferred — it’s essential.

Where Agile Might Stumble

  • The Question of Pace: Data science often demands a rhythm of exploration, validation, and refinement that doesn’t always fit neatly into the swift cycles Agile is known for.
  • In Pursuit of Depth: Unlike software projects, which might see tangible outputs at the end of each sprint, data science projects sometimes require extended durations of exploration before any meaningful insights emerge. This in-depth exploration can be at odds with Agile’s emphasis on speed and frequent deliverables.
  • Specialization is Key: While Agile teams often celebrate a mix of versatile roles, data science projects demand specialized expertise — be it in data engineering, machine learning, or statistical analysis. This inherent specialization might not always align smoothly with Agile’s collaborative and interchangeable team dynamics.

Lessons from the Field: Agile’s Encounters with Data Science

Practical scenarios often serve as the clearest indicators of how methodologies perform when removed from theoretical discussions and placed into action. Let’s explore some instances where the Agile approach intersected with data science projects, with varied outcomes.

The E-Commerce Recommendation

A rapidly growing e-commerce platform set its sights on developing an advanced recommendation engine, believing that personalizing user experiences would significantly boost sales. Agile, with its hallmark of quick iterations, appeared to be the go-to methodology. Sprint after sprint, the team worked diligently, but as the project neared completion, a glaring issue emerged. The recommendation system was suggesting products with little relevance to user preferences. On retrospection, it became evident that the tight sprint schedules had led to shortcuts in data validation and model refinement. The essence of data science — thoroughness — had been somewhat lost in the rush.

The Healthcare Analytics Challenge

In another ambitious initiative, a healthcare provider wanted to leverage analytics to enhance patient care. Envisioning a system where patient data from various touchpoints converged to offer holistic care insights, the team decided to employ Agile. However, as the sprints progressed, challenges in data integration became apparent. Disparate data sources, each requiring meticulous validation and integration, didn’t fit neatly into the two-week sprint cycles. The result? Delays and the realization that healthcare analytics, with its complexities, might need more than just Agile’s rapid cycles.

A Middle Ground: Delving into a Hybrid Model

Data science projects, with their unique demands, often find themselves at a crossroads when choosing between Agile’s swift adaptability and the rigorous depth that complex data analysis requires. Is there a middle ground?

Why Consider Hybridity?

Pure Agile may fall short in projects that demand in-depth data validation and extended model training, while a solely traditional approach may lack adaptability. A one-size-fits-all approach rarely suffices in the nuanced world of data science.

Components of the Hybrid Model:

  • Iterative Yet In-depth: Combine Agile’s iterative nature with extended cycles for stages needing deeper exploration.
  • Specialized Collaboration: Promote interplay between roles, like data engineers and analysts, ensuring that infrastructure and analysis are in harmony.
  • Regular, Comprehensive Feedback: Retain Agile’s feedback loops but ensure they cater to deeper data discussions and refinements.

Challenges & Outlook

While promising, this hybrid approach demands clear communication to avoid overcomplication and ensure alignment. As data projects continue to evolve in complexity, methodologies like this hybrid model may become the norm, offering a balanced path forward.

Concluding Insights

Agile methodologies, with their adaptability and collaborative ethos, have undeniably revolutionized the domain of software development. Yet, when juxtaposed against the backdrop of data science, with its unique challenges and emphasis on rigor, one realizes the need for a more nuanced approach. While Agile provides a robust framework for many projects, data science, with its demand for depth and precision, calls for a methodology that recognizes and respects its intricacies.

For readers who find this exploration of the Agile and data science dynamic insightful, I welcome a robust dialogue in the comments section. Together, let’s advance our collective understanding and foster a culture of knowledge-sharing.

