Drawing the Link: Understanding the Connection Between a 2x2 Contingency Table and Logistic Regression

Juan Esteban de la Calle
5 min readJul 19, 2023


Setting the Stage

Picture this. You’re working with categorical data, grappling with the challenge of discerning relationships between variables. Two weapons in your analytical arsenal are the 2x2 contingency table and logistic regression. But, what if we told you these two methods are connected in a way that might not be immediately apparent?

In this piece, we’ll go on a journey exploring the relationship and equivalence between a 2x2 contingency table and logistic regression. We’ll unveil how the logistic regression beta coefficient actually reveals the odds ratio obtained from the contingency table. Fasten your seat belts and let’s dive in.

The Starting Blocks

Contingency Tables

Contingency tables, in a nutshell, are a type of table in a matrix format that displays the multivariate frequency distribution of the variables. For our 2x2 contingency table, we have two variables, each split into two categories. Each cell within this table provides a count of the number of observations that align with the specific categories.

Logistic Regression

Pivoting to logistic regression, this is a statistical method we often turn to for predicting a binary outcome based on one or more predictor variables. With the output being probability, it becomes a solid fit for binary classification problems.

The Conduit Between the Two

Logistic regression is lauded for its ability to quantify relationships between predictor variables and a binary outcome variable by estimating odds ratios — a common effect size metric.

Let’s deconstruct an odds ratio. It’s a statistic that gives us an indication of the strength of the association between two events. If you’re faced with a 2x2 contingency table, your odds ratio can be computed by (a/b) / (c/d), where a, b, c, and d refer to the cells within your table.

When we take a look at logistic regression, the beta coefficients’ exponential function equates to the odds ratio tied to a one-unit increase in the corresponding predictor variable, assuming other variables in the model hold steady.

So, where’s the link? The logistic regression coefficients can be translated into log odds, which gives us the log of the odds ratio that we typically spot in a 2x2 contingency table. Exponentiating the logistic regression coefficients paves the way to directly obtaining the odds ratio.

Python Example to Illustrate

Reading about these concepts is one thing, but seeing it in action truly brings it to life. Let’s imagine we’re dealing with the following 2x2 contingency table:

               Success  Failure
Treatment Group 30 15
Control Group 20 35

To calculate the odds ratio in Python:

import numpy as np

# Contingency table
table = np.array([[30, 15], [20, 35]])

# Odds ratio computation
odds_ratio = (table[0,0]/table[0,1]) / (table[1,0]/table[1,1])
print(f"Odds Ratio (Contingency Table): {odds_ratio}")

Let’s go a step further and run a logistic regression on the same data.

import statsmodels.api as sm

# Prepare the data
X = np.array([1]*30 + [0]*15 + [1]*20 + [0]*35) # Treatment or Control
Y = np.array([1]*30 + [1]*15 + [0]*20 + [0]*35) # Success or Failure

# Fit the logistic regression model
logit_model = sm.Logit(Y, sm.add_constant(X))
result = logit_model.fit()

# Get the odds ratio from the model
logit_or = np.exp(result.params[1])
print(f"Odds Ratio (Logistic Regression): {logit_or}")
Similar odd-ratio


As we wrap up this exploration into the relationship between a 2x2 contingency table and logistic regression, it becomes clear that the unassuming contingency table is a powerhouse tool in understanding the relationship between two categorical variables. The real magic appears when we unveil the correspondence between the logistic regression coefficient and the odds ratio from the contingency table.

While logistic regression provides a mathematical and statistical way to understand the relationship between variables, contingency tables bring a simplicity and visual element that logistic regression lacks. Their tabular format allows for an intuitive way to understand the relationship between the variables, making the odds ratio incredibly evident.

As a result, the preference often leans towards contingency tables when aiming for a visual and clear comprehension of the relationship between two categorical variables. The table layout paints a clear picture of the distribution and interaction of the variables, a benefit that proves valuable for quick, in-depth explorations of data.

Furthermore, the fact that the odds ratio obtained from the contingency table corresponds to the exponentiated logistic regression coefficient further cements its value. This relationship provides a robust foundation for the interpretation of logistic regression results, offering insights that are directly applicable to the categorical variables at play.

As we continue delving deeper into the fascinating realm of data analysis, the elegance of contingency tables shines through. By bringing together simplicity, visual impact, and an inherent link with the intricacies of logistic regression, they offer a compelling route to unraveling relationships within categorical data.

Worth noticing…

As we conclude this exploration, it’s essential to note that the power of contingency tables and logistic regression isn’t limited to simple binary cases. The versatility of these tools allows us to expand our analytical lens to even more complex scenarios.

For instance, when our outcome variable, Y, is multinomial — that is, it has more than two categories — we can extend the binary logistic regression model to a multinomial logistic regression. This provides a framework to understand and predict outcomes that fall into more than two categories.

Similarly, when dealing with predictor variables (Xs) that have more than one category, we can employ contingency tables and logistic regression in a multivariate setting. This is essentially a more complex version of our 2x2 contingency table, often referred to as an r x c (row by column) contingency table.

In these more complex scenarios, the interpretation of odds ratios and regression coefficients become slightly more nuanced, but the underlying principles remain the same.

By acknowledging these broader applications, we further underline the versatility and robustness of these analytical tools. They offer a comprehensive framework to explore, understand, and predict relationships within our data, no matter the complexity of our variables.

So, as we continue to venture further into the intriguing world of data analysis, remember that the reach of the tools we’ve discussed here extends far beyond the binary.

