A Journey Through the Cosmos of Count Data: Exploring Zero-Inflated Poisson and Hurdle Models

Juan Esteban de la Calle
4 min readMay 15, 2023


In the vast universe of statistical modeling, there are unique celestial bodies that often remain unexplored. Today, we venture into the deep cosmos of Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) and Hurdle models, robust techniques that illuminate our path in the dark matter of count data. Our journey will be filled with practical applications and pythonic constellations, as well as the radiant language of R.

Star Cluster 1: The Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) Model

The ZIP model is a two-part model. The first part predicts whether an observation will be zero (logistic regression), and the second part predicts the count, assuming that the observation is not zero (Poisson regression).

Let’s explore a Python example of a ZIP model. We’ll use the statsmodels library and the sm.ZeroInflatedPoisson function:

import statsmodels.api as sm

# X is the matrix of predictors, y is the target variable (count)
zip_model = sm.ZeroInflatedPoisson(y, X).fit()

To implement this in R, we can use the pscl package and the zeroinfl function:


# y is the count outcome, x1 and x2 are predictors
zip_model <- zeroinfl(y ~ x1 + x2, dist = "poisson")

Galaxy 2: The Hurdle Model

A Hurdle model is another two-part model. It also uses a logistic regression for predicting the zeros but uses a truncated Poisson (or negative binomial) model for positive counts.

In Python, we can implement the Hurdle model using the hurdle function from the pyhurdle package:

from pyhurdle import Hurdle

# X is the matrix of predictors, y is the target variable (count)
hurdle_model = Hurdle().fit(X, y)

In R, we can implement a Hurdle model using the pscl package and the hurdle function:


# y is the count outcome, x1 and x2 are predictors
hurdle_model <- hurdle(y ~ x1 + x2, dist = "poisson")

Bonus Nebula: Expanding ZIP and Hurdle Models

In the vastness of our modeling cosmos, ZIP and Hurdle models can be expanded further. The zero-part of these models could be predicted using more sophisticated methods such as XGBoost or Random Forest, while keeping the Poisson regression for the count part.

from xgboost import XGBClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model import GLM
from statsmodels.genmod.families import Poisson

# For zero-part
XGB_model = XGBClassifier().fit(X, y==0)

# For count part
Poisson_model = GLM(y[y > 0], X[y > 0], family=Poisson()).fit()

This approach offers more flexibility and could potentially provide a better fit to the data, depending on the structure of your zeros and the distribution of your counts.

As we make our way back to Earth from this cosmic journey, we bring with us newfound knowledge and skills. Remember, the universe of statistical modeling is vast and constantly expanding.

Bonus: Applications returning to Earth

After our cosmic journey through the universe of count data and statistical models, let’s now descend back to Earth and explore some real-world applications of the Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) and Hurdle models. These models are not just theoretical constructs — they have practical applications in many fields, including marketing, finance, and actuarial sciences.


In the world of marketing, count data is everywhere. Let’s consider email marketing campaigns. The count of clicks each email receives is vital information. But often, we may observe an excess of zeros (no clicks) because many recipients may not open the email. In this case, a ZIP or Hurdle model can be a powerful tool to understand the factors that influence not only whether a recipient will click but also how many times they will click.


In finance, count data often appears when we deal with the number of transactions. For instance, the number of times a particular stock is traded in a day is count data. Here too, we might see an overdispersion of zeros due to non-trading days or inactive stocks. By employing ZIP or Hurdle models, financial analysts can gain insights into the factors that determine whether a stock will be traded and the expected number of trades, enhancing trading strategies and risk assessment.

Actuarial Sciences

In actuarial sciences, count models are a cornerstone for understanding and predicting the frequency of insurance claims. However, a large proportion of policyholders may never file a claim, leading to a surplus of zeros. ZIP and Hurdle models can be instrumental in these cases. They allow actuaries to model the claim frequency more accurately, leading to better risk pricing and reserve calculation.

As we conclude our cosmic journey, we can see how ZIP and Hurdle models, the celestial bodies we explored, are not just far-off stars. They are tools we can use to illuminate the dark matter of count data right here on Earth. So let’s put them to use and turn their theoretical power into practical solutions.

